
Sunday, November 1, 2009

I have no followers

Although I have had a number of visitors to this blog I've had very few comments (thanks John for being the first) and I have no followers. I was at a function the other day and even had someone mention that they read it. So now the question is how do I get people to leave behind their comments or even just say Hi? Perhaps the problem is that what I write is rather specialized for the most part and what is there to say about a trend in hospitality beds. I can only hope that someone out there finds it helpful or amusing or tries out one of the recipes. A problem for more thought. Anyways if you are out there in reader land let me know what you think.


  1. Ah Ha! You have a follower now! Wow. This is awesome. I can't wait to start my own blog. You probably already know I always have lots to say and lots to share with others. Yahoo. I need to learn more from you. Sue

  2. Thanks Sue I look forward to seeing yours and helping where I can( i'm far from a pro at this)
